Could your oral hygiene be improved? With our expertise and the support of our professional dental practitioners, you can have your sparkling smile restored by our trusted oral health care in Reading.
Our dentists at Friar Street Dental are equipped with the latest skills and first-class technology to help patients restore their teeth to a much healthier state. We understand that there are many different reasons for poor oral health and will do all we can to ensure you have a suitable solution for your requirements and budget.
Specialist support from qualified hygienists.
Busy lifestyles can be a big obstacle when it comes to taking care of your teeth. Whether it may be rushing to work, picking up the children from school or other important commitments, now and then we may miss vital times to clean our teeth, gums and even our tongue. That is why we offer our support to help you get back on track to cleaner and healthier teeth.
If you would like to enquire about our dental services, you can do so via our website. Alternatively, you can reach out to us directly for further information and to book an appointment as soon as possible.
Check out our previous article here.